Friday, September 5, 2008

qualifications for President of the united states

My hero, Richard Dawkins, talks about intelligence and honesty, two qualities we presumably would find valuable in a President.
But first, he starts off by revealing studies that show the more intelligent a person is, the less likely they believe in organized religion or a personal god [ Lower case purposefully used ]
In a study of Nobel laureates 95% do not believe in "god"
Conversely, in order to be a successful candidate for President, you must proclaim your faith in god and pander to the ignorant masses, or, if you are a non-believer, you must lie. There are no two ways about it. George Bush senior doesn't even consider non believers true patriotic citizens and I'm sure many in our country feel the same way. Watch the following video. It is truly frightening to realize that the smartest people in this country are automatically excluded from the top office. If you like this video, you should check out the other ones by him on you tube.

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